On-Line Lectures
All on-line lectures are 90 minutes in duration and cost $45.00 per person.
Embracing the Shift - Stones for Spiritual Transformation
in 2012 and Beyond
The Rock Girl invites you to explore the Mystery of 2012, dispel the myths, and embrace the shift in consciousness that we are currently experiencing. This one-of-a kind lecture offers a you a peek at select stones from The Rock Girl's Channeling collection. Participants will learn how to attune to these stones and discover which stones they can utilize as tools for their own Personal Growth and Spiritual Transformation.
Lemurian Seed Crystals: Sacred Tools for
Personal and Planetary Transformation
Join The Rock Girl as she tells the story of the Lemurian Seed Crystals. These powerful stones of Love and Light have presented themselves once again at a time when they are needed most. Participants will learn how to connect to the Sacred Energy of these Ancient Crystals, embrace their wisdom, and raise the frequency for healing and transformation.
Crystal Skulls: Cosmic Doorways for Peaceful and Loving Energies
Join The Rock Girl as she explores the legend of the Crystal Skulls. According to Indigenous Legends, Crystal Skulls were not used as a form of worship, but rather as a tool for teaching and healing that would ultimately lead to a path to Higher Consciousness. Participants will learn how to connect with Crystal Skulls and utilize them as cosmic doorways for peaceful and loving energies.